I was as shocked as you were. I’m not aware on any parties. All guidance was followed. It was a work event. It was only ten minutes. Who *hasn’t* snorted four lines of ket off their private, personal interior decorator’s personal assistant’s arse? Johnson is fucked. Omni-fucked. Fucked². So... then when the report stopped being today's get-out and started becoming tomorrow's condemnation of an arrested-development-schoolboy who lies about the parties he's had - Govt began briefing that the SG report may not emerge until after The Met finish their own inquiries. It may not even emerge at all, or if it does, perhaps just a summary. Perhaps just a crayon picture of a party. Anything more might prejudice a Police investigation, you see. Inconveniently for Govt, The Met then clarified the SG report would in no way prejudice its own investigation. So Govt then briefed that the SG Report may go initially to Johnson but may still not be published in full. The Guardian's source last night said "You don’t need to be a lawyer to realise that if there’s an ongoing police investigation, there are constraints on what you can publish". I estimate we're only a few hours away from the first "Yeh But Sue Gray Is So Woke Tho" pieces in the STEM papers (Sun, Telegraph, Express, Mail). Anyway, here we are now, 20:30 at night, possibly the night before it all comes unravelled for Johnson, and rumours are circulating that the document will indeed land with Govt Weds morning. And in full. Once again a situation that was handled poorly from the outset with lies and kicking the can down the road, that could've been handled with honesty and some trace of integrity - has become a huge, embarrassing scandal for Team Johnson. Second Jobs, Paterson, Parties, Lying About Parties, Dodgy Donors, That Fucking Wallpaper, Fast Lane Contracts, £38bn Test & Trace - the list is endless. And they all follow the same route. A bad decision followed by lies and obfuscation, followed by more evasion and dishonesty, before finally landing at a mauling in the papers, bad polling or in this case, possibly, a colossal, career-ending scandal.